Find answers to our most asked Student Information Questions
How do I enrol?
To enrol in a Nationally Recognised Training qualification at Amana Living Training Institute, please register to attend our Information Session here.
What is a USI and how do I get one?
A USI is your individual education number for life. It also gives you an online record of your VET training undertaken in Australia from January 2015 onwards. If you're at university, TAFE or doing other nationally recognised training, you need a USI. You can create your USI by visiting the USI website
What is the mode of delivery?
Our mode of delivery is primarily through face-to-face training sessions that includes development workshops, tutorials, simulation, written and practical assessments, and self-directed study. Some tutorials may be conducted online where appropriate.
Where can I find my Training Schedule?
Upon enrolment, the Student Services Team will work with you to develop your Training Schedule.
Where do I find my class information?
Your class information can be found in your student portal. Login access to your student portal will be provided to you after enrolment.
What courses are included in the Fee Free and Low Fee Training in 2025?
Fee Free & Low Fee Training is a Skills Ready initiative created by the West Australian government to help Western Australia’s economy grow and diversify. They have invested in training for skills and jobs that are, or will be, in high demand, by offering a subsidy. A selection of ALTI’s accredited qualifications and courses are available under the Fee Free and Low Fee initiative. Click here for more information Fee Free and Low Fee Training in 2025
Am I eligible for Government subsidised courses?
If you are a permanent resident or citizen of Western Australia residing in WA, you are eligible for government subsidised courses.
Holders of one of the following visa types are also eligible:
holders of a sub-class 309, 444, 785, 790, or 820 visa;
secondary holders of a temporary visa of sub-class 457or 482 visa;
holders of a Bridging Visa E (subclasses 050 and 051) where the visa holder has made a valid application for a visa of subclass 785 or 790;
Ukraine citizens who are holders of a visa sub-class 449 or 786;
Afghan citizens who are holders of a visa sub-class 449; and
holders of a bridging visa who are eligible to work, and who have made a valid application for a subclass 866.
Can I still enrol in the course if I am not eligible for the subsidy or government funded training?
Yes! We offer our courses to all Australian residents. The cost will vary for each course, please contact us for more information on our ‘Fee for Service’ Policy by contacting our Student Services Team 1300 492 703.
Are students on International Student Visas eligible for courses?
While we cannot accept enrolments from International Student Visa's for qualifications such as CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support, we can accept enrolments for some individual units of competency. International Students can access our courses below:
HLTWHS005 Conduct manual tasks safely
HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
All the institutions and courses available to international students are listed on CRICOS at