A basic understanding of the steps you will take from enrolment to qualification.


  • You must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident to apply.
  • You must reside in Western Australia.
  • Please read the relevant course information (e.g. Cert IV in Ageing Support) and the Student Handbook.
  • Complete your Course Enrolment form.

We will confirm receipt of your enquiry application in writing and contact you to arrange a Pre-Course Meeting

Please note that you are welcome to discuss course requirements with ALTI staff prior to submitting your application. This process helps to ensure the course will meet your needs.

Pre-course meeting

The purpose of the Pre-course meeting is to enable the Student Services Team to gain an understanding of your previous employment history, currency, prior experiences, qualifications, and motivations. This meeting will introduce you to the course structure, the assessment processes and the learning and development that you will undertake during your training.

The SST will provide information on:

  • Site visits.

  • Workplace Assessment Processes.

  • The Student Learning and Development Plan.

  • The Student Handbook.

  • The Student Journal.

The learning and development plan is based on existing skills, knowledge and your roster availability (if already working). The individual learning and development plan for traineeship students must be agreed to by the student services team, student and employer before being endorsed by the Institute. 

This pre-course meeting is also an opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the course and understand the course particulars such as cost, duration and possible career pathways.

This meeting is approximately 1-2 hours in duration.

Individual learning plan

Our Student Support Team will identify your existing skills and knowledge and develop an individual learning plan and timetable for you. This will list the workshops times and dates you need to attend and the assessments you will be required to complete.

Depending on course selection, the background of the learner and individual relevant experience, each learning plan may be different for each student.

Ongoing assessment

Assessment for each unit includes a combination of assessment methods to provide valid and sufficient evidence of competence.

Each unit included in your chose course of study is supported by the following assessment materials:

  • Post course assessments, including case studies, assessment activities and questions and answers
  • Workplace Observation Assessments
  • In class assessments (where appropriate)

Your Trainer will visit you at your placement to see you participate in work environment to practice and perform your new skills, discuss what you have learned and provide on the job training and support.


If you are deemed competent, our Student Support Team will complete the necessary paperwork and arrange for your qualification to be issued.

Accessing Student Portal

Once enrolled in your chosen qualification, our Student Services Team will provide you with Student Portal access guides so you may view your training material following your trainer directed workshops. 

Assessment rights & responsibilities

Your rights and responsibilities include the following:

  • Express any concerns you have about the training program including workplace assessment to your Trainer or the Student Services Team
  • You must be willing to participate in training activities and prepare for assessments.
  • You may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning.
  • You have the right to appeal assessment results.

For full information regarding your Rights, Responsibilities, Appeals and Refunds please refer to the Student Handbook.

Before signing the Enrolment Form, please ensure you have read and understood the student information.